Drought Impacts Homeowners

It's very hot in California and the California Drought continues. See below for up-to-date information on the many changes to water rights and private water well usage.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is now law. Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP's) may take effect with property owners who rely on private water wells, including pumping limitations, installation of meters, and state-wide investigation into water rights.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is now law. Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP's) may take effect with property owners who rely on private water wells, including pumping limitations, installation of meters, and state-wide investigation into water rights.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Was Signed Into Law
The California Drought Continues
The U.S. Drought Monitor has forecasted warmer weather and suggests that the multi-year drought will continue or even worsen. While a strong El Niño could be helpful, it would not end the long-term California drought. Therefore, a new water conservation law is currently being implemented, which may dramatically affect many California property owners; and those property owners who do not comply may be subject to fines and assessments.Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Was Signed Into Law The California Drought Continues
To combat the drought and better manage groundwater, SGMA was signed into law on September 16, 2014 (read more: http://www.water.ca.gov/cagroundwater/legislation.cfm). SGMA requires Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) in high and medium priority basins to develop and implement Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs). (read more: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/gmp/sgma.shtml). GSAs also have the power to bring enforcement actions seeking civil penalties against property owners who do not comply with the Act. With the adoption of these GSPs, changes to local groundwater management practices will likely affect most drought-ridden California properties. An example of its immediate effect may be seen on property owners who rely on water wells. Implementation of a GSP may result in well pumping limitations, installation of meters, measured water extractions, and state-wide investigations into water rights.
Impact to Individual Property Owners

- To impose fees and assessments against property owners.
- To impose well spacing requirements on private properties.
- To conduct investigation of water rights suspected of not complying.
- To acquire property and water rights in spite of private property ownership.
- To reclaim water not keeping with the Act’s guidelines.
- To require well registration to monitor and track private ownership water usage.
- To regulate groundwater extractions of private property owners.
- To adopt rules, regulations, ordinances, and resolutions over private wells.
- To require well operators to measure and report extractions to government agencies.
- To create and implement enforcement actions for non-compliance by property owners.
- To require reporting of diversions to surface water storage to government agencies.
Property I.D. Is the Only Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Company That Discloses the State Groundwater Monitoring Program in Its NHD Report
Property I.D. is the only NHD company that has been disclosing the site-specific State Groundwater Monitoring Program in its NHD reports since the latter part of 2015. Buyers who don’t receive a Property I.D. NHD report may be surprised to learn that their water rights are controlled by GSAs after they purchase their properties and hold their agents liable for non-disclosure. All NHD reports are different and no other NHD is as complete and accurate as Property I.D.
Further information on SGMA can be found on the following sites:
- http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/gmp/docs/sgma/sgma_brochure_jan2015.pdf
- http://www.water.ca.gov/cagroundwater/legislation.cfm
- http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/gmp/sgma.shtml
Groundwater Basin Prioritization Map:
U.S. Drought Monitor California:
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